Meet Tresca & Jay Pennington
In February 2014, Read Me A Lullaby: Snow Play marked this super-creative couple's grand debut! Back in 2008, Tresca composed a handful of descriptive dreamscapes; they were just impromptu innovations to help lull their two (then) little tots off to sleep. Years later and still sharing the same stories at bedtime, The Penningtons figured they might be onto something noteworthy, as their children were claiming to actually DREAM some details of the books! After Tresca began researching how this could be, Jay began designing unique sketches to accompany the words of his writer-wife...and before long, the pair had embarked upon a path alongside just parenting...PUBLISHING! Presently, The Penningtons are touring locally (Guilford, Forsyth, and Alamance Counties only) in North Carolina, bringing special age-adjusted activities to promote Happy-Dreaming to all encountered! Arts, crafts, reading, FUN, and's a guaranteed great time! |